i tried to resist facebook. i really did. just like i tried to resist myspace (not like you could tell now, but i totally did). like, "i have my own domain! more than one! why would i need a myspace page?"
i signed up for facebook a long time ago almost by accident. am i the only one who absentmindedly follows buttons until they've clicked their way into a private forum or public humiliation? i hope not.
anyway. facebook frightened me away at first with all the poking and notifications and it seemed so naked, it made me use my last name and it seemed like i couldn't even visit someone's page without my cousin's best friend and my highschool boyfriend being notified. "how am i going to stalk people? get me out of here!"
and then scrabulous lured me back inside, and oregon trail locked the door behind me (high school apple II e flashback! woot!). i've downloaded embarrassing apps like "what color is you aura?" and "what's 1950's pinup are you?" the kinds of things that you can't just do privately, you have to tell your friends you were dumb enough to take the test before it will give you your results. but you can't resist.
i added facebook mobile ("updates on my cell phone? why not?"). i'm not sure how it works. i thought i'd get notified when i've been poked, but so far not. oddly enough, the only thing that's happened so far is that yesterday i got three twitter-style status updates in a row from one person, all worded slightly differently. it left me wondering. "well, did you join a cult or didn't you?"
speaking of twitter, to those of you "following" me there, i am currently in my resistance phase to the crack of social networking sites. i'm sure i'll break down eventually and you'll begin to get twitterings from me in the middle of the day and night: "kateri is catastrophising about tumors. again." or- "kateri is digging for something she needs and will know what it is when she finds it." or- "kateri is very inspired by reading "Armageddon In Retrospect" but finds the images of war too disturbing to read at night". be forewarned.