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Sunday, February 03, 2013



I knew - I just *knew* - it was going to be an awesome fit. And I'm so glad you're loving it!


Awww... I'm so glad things are going so well at work, thanks for sharing, I'm sure you must be so busy that writing a blog post is pretty hard, but I'm thrilled that you gave us this cheerful update. Congrats on all your hard work and, most importantly, on doing it so well!!


Just caught up with your last couple of posts...and I am so thrilled for you! You are doing work that matters, and being recognized for it. I love PP. They were my (only) lifeline After. They kept me from getting knocked up repeatedly before age 22. They gave me my HIV test when I found that my (now ex-) husband was cheating. I never felt judged. I never felt anything but thankful, and heard, and empowered in those offices. So thank you for doing your work & making those sacrifices.

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