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Friday, May 11, 2012



I knew you would HAVE to say something about it right here, the same place you posted all those photos of your girls nursing (I have links in my blog! and you linked to me too). I'm glad that Time cover pushed you over the edge to share some self-reflective thoughts. I can't stand the other social media tools, blogging is my place in the world, even if it's doomed to disappear in the 140 character fad. BLAH.

I hope you stay a little longer this time. Words (more than a sentence or two) still matter and you have such a good way with words... you should share your words again! :)


I am always happy to see a post from you!


Happy to see you back. Totally agree with many of your points, especially about getting older yet no further...


I like your guts, baby.



Welcome back. :)

Miriam Christina

"and nursing them is a vague (but intense) memory. "

Lol, that is very well put!
My kids are teens now, but I still talk about breastfeeding them.

I couldn't seem to get my son to stop and I'm still have flashbacks ! NO, not again...lol!

But seriously, it's the most incredible thing, I cherish those moments!

mbt france

Bon article. Je pense que vous pouvez écrire plus de produits et de meilleure qualité. Take it easy pour eux-mêmes.

casquette new era

Blog de ​​Nice, je tiens à écrire des commentaires parce que ce que les écrivains apportent un plus grand engagement et une occasion d'apprendre les uns des autres pour obtenir

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