1. Judging from my inbox, you need a stern warning about the Quechup scam. This is from an email I received from a friend* a few weeks ago:
"During the registration process, the site asked me if I'd like to see if anyone in my address book was already a member. Stupidly, I said it could go ahead.
Little did I know, the damned thing spammed every single contact I had, from work associates, to friends, to relatives, to even people I don't recall ever meeting. Every single one of them received an invite supposedly from me to join this service.
Now - at 8:50 p.m. at night - I find myself sending apology notes and warnings to the near 1,000 individuals I have in my address book. Very professional looking. Very smooth.
Anyway, if you're one of the people who supposedly received one of these "invitations," do NOT accept it. Delete it. I don't advise that you do any business with these people at all, and finally I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused for you."
Okay? Okay. Onward.
*This friend of mine didn't actually write that bit (or fall for the Quechup thing), he quoted it from "a random blog". Since he didn't credit the writer, I am aware that I am reprinting without permission. Some digging turned up this site. Yay google!
2. Tomorrow morning the girls leave for a week vacation in California. No, I am not going. I am going to stay home and freak out, keep myself busy by getting a job, continue to freak out, party till I can't think anymore (which will be my only reprieve from freaking out), relive every bad mothering moment of the past six months, clean out my house while listing all the reasons I deserve to lose them in a plane crash, or a car crash, or a freak ocean accident. It's going to be an exhausting week. But, hey, I'll get to sleep as much as I want. Oh, and I plan to knit some hats. And read. And sleep. Did I mention sleep? And write. Hey, I may post more than twice next week.
*NOTE TO CALIFORNIA FOLK* Miriam is very attracted to water!!! And needs to be watched every moment while there is body of water nearby!! She will hurl herself into a pool without a second thought!! She is without fear!! I told this to Josh but I don't know if he heard me!! Please take heed!!And, um, hi! by the way. I've heard that you've read my blog. Sorry I'm so shitty about returning phone calls. Being terrified is no excuse for such rudeness.
3. The new blog is coming along-it actually has a name! and a spot on wordpress!- and I was thinking, if anyone has anything they'd like to post on there that they don't want to post on their own blog, or if anyone here doesn't have their own blog but feels like doing some blogging every now and then, I am taking on begging for some guest bloggers.
I realize that one of the areas that I really suck as a blogger is keeping my content current, and maybe guest bloggers-maybe two a week?-would keeping things moving even when I am experiencing my periods of self-indulgent artistic flux.
My single mom friend (who wants to think of her very own fake name) has already agreed to do some guest spots. She's a poet and a teacher. She teaches in Philadelphia's inner city public schools, elementery school science, and her perspective is mature and valuable. Just the other night she read me a poem she wrote about a fight that erupted in her classroom.
4. I also want to make a t-shirt: "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes [in fancy script], Real Men Love Feminists" [in bold, square letters]. Not an original sentimnet, for sure, but I still want to wear it on a t-shirt.
I'm so sympathetic to those feelings about your kids going away without you. I also, I must admit, feel a twinge of relief to know I'm not the only one who thinks that way. I never think it's possible for my kids to survive when I'm not with them. (But they have.) Here's hoping some of the time gets to be relaxing for you.
Posted by: Marjorie | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 11:52 AM
I would totally buy one of those shirts. Love it.
And I torture myself the same way when Sofie is out of sight, but for a different set of reasons. Mother guilt is the same though..not matter its source.
Take care.
Posted by: Amanda | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 11:53 AM
Hey, I would love to guest blog, but unfortunately I am very boring. :) That's a great idea, though!
I hope that you are able to enjoy your week. I'm sure the girls will be fine, but I understand how you feel! I freak out just letting my daughter spend the day with her grandparents.
Posted by: Elizabeth | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 05:50 PM
Hey, I would love to guest blog, but unfortunately I am very boring. :) That's a great idea, though!
I hope that you are able to enjoy your week. I'm sure the girls will be fine, but I understand how you feel! I freak out just letting my daughter spend the day with her grandparents.
Posted by: Elizabeth | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 05:50 PM
I NEED one of those shirts! I think you could sell them ... ^^
Posted by: melissa | Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 11:28 PM
Would this be an anonymous guest post? Because I could totally get behind that...
Posted by: Stacy | Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 08:40 PM