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Friday, September 14, 2007



I'm so sympathetic to those feelings about your kids going away without you. I also, I must admit, feel a twinge of relief to know I'm not the only one who thinks that way. I never think it's possible for my kids to survive when I'm not with them. (But they have.) Here's hoping some of the time gets to be relaxing for you.


I would totally buy one of those shirts. Love it.

And I torture myself the same way when Sofie is out of sight, but for a different set of reasons. Mother guilt is the same though..not matter its source.

Take care.


Hey, I would love to guest blog, but unfortunately I am very boring. :) That's a great idea, though!

I hope that you are able to enjoy your week. I'm sure the girls will be fine, but I understand how you feel! I freak out just letting my daughter spend the day with her grandparents.


Hey, I would love to guest blog, but unfortunately I am very boring. :) That's a great idea, though!

I hope that you are able to enjoy your week. I'm sure the girls will be fine, but I understand how you feel! I freak out just letting my daughter spend the day with her grandparents.


I NEED one of those shirts! I think you could sell them ... ^^


Would this be an anonymous guest post? Because I could totally get behind that...

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