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Friday, September 28, 2007



I don't care how much icing you think you need... you're not mud. Here's to Wet Feet!


Uh, I will TOTALLY buy an "I Look Better on MySpace" shirt. I mean, crap, that will be perfect for no-showering, two-year-old running, breastfeeding days when I absolutely HAVE to go out to get milk for the older child. It will be especially sexy with a breastmilk stain, NO?! YES!!

Here's to WET FEET!

That said: is it me or do I just not see the tip jar?


Jenna, I'm still fiddling with it, it's nt up yet.


No--please don't say the tip jar means "the last of your pride." I would buy a book filled with your posts, so what's the difference between that and the tip jar? No middleman! Wherever your writing happens to be, that's where I'll be reading it.


Controversy! Yay! :) I think it's a great decision to stay w/ Wet Feet.


Controversy! Yay! :) I think it's a great decision to stay w/ Wet Feet.

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