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Thursday, August 02, 2007



I love this kind of stuff. I have some RANDOM stuff that people use to get to either blog. It's all very amusing. That said: Gap nursing bra? *waddles off to investigate*


I think the "bm" in question stands for "breast milk?" (Not... that other thing.)

Timothy Fish

How did I get here? Well I didn't type in any of those. Actually, I came because another site linked here. I know some of those are a little strange, but I find the information coming from the search engines to be useful on my own websites. It tells me a lot about the kind of people who are finding my site. If they are searching for information about a topic that is related to the site then I feel that I am doing my job, but if I am getting a lot of stuff that is way off base then my content is not reaching my intended audience.

Timothy Fish - Author of Searching for Mom

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