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Thursday, March 22, 2007



Oh wow. I just listened to the Podcast. I agree, Emily did a great job.

I'm so sorry, Kateri. :(


Emily did do a great job. and so did you. love you.


Kateri that is heartbreaking. You did a wonderful job in the interview but I can't help crying. I am so sorry.

Lisa V

I am so proud of you! Great job.


I'm downloading it right now.


I'm very proud to cyber-know you.


It IS heartbreaking.

I think it would be wonderful, in adoption classes, if we heard more not only from those who make it work and are happy, but from those who are NOT happy, both sides.

Because I stand firm in my belief that openness is right, and that birthmoms should have LEGAL rights to their agreements, just like adoptive parents should...and I think more people would agree with me if they heard more from moms like you.

Way to go, Kateri!


You are awesome, Kateri.


You were so great, so articulate, I was very impressed.


Nicely Done Kateri!

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