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Thursday, July 20, 2006



I was embarrassed at the video the other day (more for the open mouth chewing and his constant, interrupting banter than for the language), but this is worse, I think.

Two more years, (deep, soothing breath), two more years.


I know! Could he have made a bigger ass of himself at the g8?


"Could he have made a bigger ass of himself at the g8?"

Knock on wood right this minute. He is a bigger ass so of course he could have made a bigger ass of himself (and our country).

I miss Bill.


I never thought I would, but I miss Bill too. I long for the days when presidents lied about blow jobs, not war.

my favorite part of the jon stewart clip is when he said that if it had been clinton doing the neck rub, her bra would have come off ;)


Thanks for the link, I would have missed this otherwise... (I should read the news more - and check the comedy central guys more often online since we don't have cable).

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