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Friday, July 14, 2006



Good luck! My mother busted her a-- to go through nursing school as a single mother. It was absolutely the best thing she could have done for us. In the future, I see you as an RN/IBLC charging $100/hour.

Ann ( Your loving cousin)

You seem to have a good handle on what you want. Collingswood, is not far from my house at all, and you can bet money on the fact that I'll be there hangin out with you and the girls all the time. You know you can call on me for whatever u need, even if it's just for a mental health day, or a night out just me and you. I love ya Kate. Gimmie a call about when you wanna go look at places.


AWWW! Ann! My little cousin, leaving a comment and everything! Thanks, girl!

Lisa V

Wow Kateri. Congratulations on really thinking this through. I have a tendency to ignore things that seem overwhelming.

When the girls get older- my best friend has a custody arrangement where they alternate weeks. No one pays child support. They eat as a family every Friday night and catch the incoming parent up on the obligations of the week. I have really admired how well it has worked for them, and how it served their daughter well. That's all for my assvice. You sound like you have everything under control.


Lisa, that custody arrangement seems ideal to me. It's what I'm hoping to end up with.


Wait, catch me up. Josh is in on the d-i-v-o-r-c-e plan?


Yes, Josh is in on it. He cycles between being in utter disbelief that I would actually leave him, angry at my nerve, and dismissive of my plans. He said, totally without irony "Well, I think most of your ideas are bad ideas". Oh, and he's trying to date already. Watch out, women!!


Ex-Husband didn't believe i was going to leave him, either. and when i did, and he had a meltdown, all i could say was "why are you surprised? i've been telling you this for months".

I need to go visit the Colls again. i haven't been in about 2 years.


i so do need to visit with you. (lets meet in dutch wonderland). on one hand i'm so nervous for you - this is such a big step. on the other hand, i'm so proud of you - you and the girls will be much happier in the long run.

i'm a few hours away but i'll do whatever you need.


((Kateri)) It sounds like you have some good ideas and plans. It's all about how you see things, opportunities. You can do it. Many women have.

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