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Thursday, July 13, 2006



ahem, i'd like a bracelet. call it "advanced reservation deposit".

in other news, i've been having small temper tantrums of my own.


Lisa V

I have to scan a picture of Mallory as a baby. That picture of Miriam looks just like her.


I want a bracelet too. I'll give you the dollar next month at LLL. By the way, I'm so busy with the diss that I forgot to go last Tuesday - is that OK? Is it going be a problem for my application? Anyway, if it counts, I'll be going to Mt. Airy on the 20th and... oh-oh, I'll miss the September meeting too, 'cause I'll be in Florida... oh boy.

Let's see - sorry, i can't give any advice about knitting...

About requests hmmm.... any concrete plans yet? I mean, I'd miss you at LLL in Philly if you moved :(


Hey, Lillian, no worries about group attendance. I think you've already got the required number of meetings.

I'd still be coming to the CC group if I move. There's no group in Collingswood and I'm not about to start one by myself.

And, no concrete plans. Lots of pie in the sky. But until I find a buyer, I'm stuck.

Meira Voirdire

Well, you know the internets are always interested in sordid marital details. But I imagine that if you wanted to get into that, you'd have done so already. ;o)

So I will ask: What are you knitting right now? Do you anticipate catching the log cabin bug? (I caught it bad, lol)


I don't know about finger knitting. But how about those kits for making pot holders? I know I used to do those to sew with my grandma, and at an early age. I think maybe at first she put the first row of loops on, then I did the weaving.


Yeah, the potholder thingy! I thought of that, but didn't have the right words in English to explain what was on my mind. I think I've seen some other kinds of "knitting" or embroidering kinds of crafts in those educational (and super expensive :) toy stores...


I just was reading about finger knitting in the new summer edition of Knitty here: http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEsummer06/FEATfingerknitting.html

Are you worried about being on your own again with two kids? I don't want this to sound patronising, I'm just wondering how you are feeling about future changes. Not that I know you. Ok, I'm not so good at asking question of someone who's blog I read.


What about that breastfeeding post you lost?


I can finger weave and so can your three year old....A much simpler way then the tutorial above.

On your left hand (if you are right handed)Hold the end of the yarn between your thumb and pointer finger, about 5 or 6 inches. Drape the yarn (loosely), over your pointer, under your middle, over your ring, under your pinky.

From under your pinky put the yarn back over your palm and down between your thumb and pointer (let it hang).

put your finger and thumb on your right had under the draped yarn at your left ring finger, grab the yarn that you weaved over that finger, making a loop, with the yarn you draped over your palm closest to your palm. bend your ring finger and put your ring finger through the loop.straighten your finger. Do the same with the yarn you weaved over your pointer finger.

Now you should have yarn criss-crossed between each finger with the ends of the yarn hanging down your thumb.

take the ball of yarn and wrap loosely around your hand at the base of the fingers. Weave each of your fingers, as above.

Continue to wrap and weave until you have done it about 10/12 times. then Pull the original end down and you will see the chain starting to form. The more you weave, the longer the chain. You just keep pulling on the end and it will weave off the back of your hand.

I hope I explained it okay. It really is easy. basically you are just pulling the yarn up and over the new yarn you draped across your hand and back onto your finger, wrapping it around and doing it again and again.

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