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Sunday, July 30, 2006



I made the no-sew wrap, too, and loved it. I used purple jersey. I liked doing the forward facing carry with her legs out between about 4 and 7 months. That was her favorite position and she could stay happily wrapped for as long as I wanted to keep her there.
My daughter is 14 months old now and doesn't want to be in the sling very often...sob...


Kateri, you're a genius! OK, I'm getting carried away, but this is a GREAT idea!


I just bought some batik cotton and ordered a set of rings to make my first ring sling. My oldest son is almost nineteen, and I have used a lot of different baby carriers but never a sling. My youngest is 16 mos. and about 25 lbs so I thought he was too big, but after reading a lot today I realize that is not true! I am very excited about making my own Maya Wrap sling. I have been experimenting today with just knotting the fabric, and the first time I put him in he got a huge grin on his face and snuggled right up to my chest. We are happy campers!

I love all your info and tips, thanks a bunch!


lilian, a genius would never have forgotten her sling ;)

baby carriers backpacks

Geesh, where was I when this was posted.. Well, its not too late to say Thanks for the tips! This is such a great idea!

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