1. Why is it, on the days when you wake up UTTERLY DEPLETED, your children decide that this would be a good day to throw innumerable tantrums, come down with a wicked cold, and forsake all naps? WHY? How, exactly, does this make evolutionary sense?
2. I have a thing for young adult lit. Like Paul Zindel. And Judy Blume. When I was in high school, I started with the A's and read every single young adult paperback in their collection. Even the Lurlene McDaniels (which I came to adore, eventually. Especially the one about the girl with Cyctic Fibrosis. And ESPECIALLY the one with the girl who got Leukemia.)
Anyway, at my local independant bookstore for kids they had a box of advance copies of young adult novels that they were GIVING AWAY FOR FREE if you bought something over $10. So I bought For the Kids (since I meant to anyway) and dove into the box salivating like a dog. I haven't read anything like this since going on that shameful Caroline B. Cooney bender a few years ago.
I was richly rewarded. I found this book, about an honors student good girl who gets photographed in a very compromising position and the hell that ensues when the picture hits the digital landscape of a modern high school. I loved it so much I emailed the author with my effusive admiration.
I bet she thinks I'm a big dork.
Maybe I'll write juicy young adult lit when I grow up. Screw this serious stuff for grownups.
my mom teaches english lit to seventh and eighth graders, so i've had a love of young adult lit for a long time. two of my favorites are Annie on My Mind - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0374404143/sr=8-1/qid=1152374095/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-5011507-4058341?ie=UTF8
I Want to go Home -
great distractions from real life.
take care of yourself.
Posted by: afrindiemum | Saturday, July 08, 2006 at 11:57 AM
I miss serious reading too. I've been busy for 2 months now due to my field work.
Posted by: essay writing help | Friday, January 20, 2012 at 11:21 AM