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Saturday, June 17, 2006



The best of luck my friend...

Do enjoy the beach, though, if you can (or like)...



Well, there are always books to hide behind, right?


I thought hanging out with my mom would get easier once I had kids to talk about....


Have a great time!


Have you seen this rebuttal to the NY Times article?


Just wondering what your thoughts are. :+)


That investigation into the stats is pretty shocking. Shocking in the way that the journalist who wrote the article failed to use the data correctly in the injuries stats. It undermines the whole process of getting out the benefits of breastfeeding. A real shame.

Btw, in case anyone is interested in shock tactics, I wrote a post on using shock to promote breastfeeding (a fellow blogger asked me to write something to gather opinion for a study she is doing on how to promote breastfeeding).

Would be great to get some comments. You can see it here http://doingitallagain.blogspot.com/2006/06/2140-breastfeeding-will-shock-tactics.html

(sorry hyperlinks not working for some reason)



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