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Wednesday, June 07, 2006



I'm sick sick sick of those plastic charity/not-charity bracelets, so I will automatically vote no for any of those.

I would suggest a friendship-bracelet-type thing, similar to those tied by junior high school girls for what surely must be millenia, but I don't have as much free time as I did in 1985, so, those are out.

Seems like the quickest, easiest way to do it is to decide on a color and go from there. I vote for orange because it is one of my favorites, goes with almost nothing, and I don't think it's been 'claimed' by any one cause yet. I suggest either embroidery floss (I'll just go ahead and suggest DMC 608) or 1/2" ribbon, worn on the left wrist.

I'm not going to bother listing an elaborate system of colors and knots for the type of blog (TTC, mama, political), host (one's own, typepad, blogger), or posting frequency (red for, say, Tertia, and light blue for, say, me). If we wanted to get THAT specific, we might as well get started knotting friendship bracelets and call it a day.


We could go for whale tail high riding thongs in orange. I mean, seriously, how many of those do you see in a day?
Or bucket hats in orange that read, "blog this willya"
Or we could all wear our carpal tunnel wrist braces adorned with beads and glitter to signal our absolute devotion to this sport, injury be damned.


btw, I so wanna see Laid Off Dad in a whale tail. :P


I vote orange ribbon/friendship bracelet/whatever each person chooses, with some variant of this sort of charm:


It's more of a formula than an actual strict thing: some sort of orange bracelet with some sort of computer charm. That way it's pretty recognizable, but there's room for creativity and personal taste. :)

Lisa V

I think we just need a secret handshake. But maybe too many of us have carpal tunnel syndrome.


A shaved left eyebrow?


How about QWERTY tattooed across our knuckles?

Oh...am I the only one with six knuckles?


I think I might recognise a fellow blogger if I talked to one. I've been on message board for years and done many of those weird turn up in a bar and whisper your log in name to nameless faces in the hope of coming across your internet group. It's always hilarious. It's interesting sometimes to see that the most learned appear to be lost without on hand access to google and the funniest and quiet little things that sit in the corner nursing their drinks. But meeting up in real life adds another dimension to the text persona you see online. It's valuable and shows up the many delicate sublties that can be sadly lost with toneless posts.

A codeword would be a good idea.


i'm gonna go with some sort of hair accessory: clip, scrunchie, scarf, whathaveyou.

like the Scrunchie of Power from Heathers...it will be so "very".


LOL, you all make me laugh :)

wix, I'm with you on the plastic bracelet thing. They are over.

I like orange, and those cheap little beads that preschoolers string onto pipecleaners would be good for codification.

I love the charm too.

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