I am almost halfway through Miriam's first year. Can you believe it?
I was terrified to leave Naomi when she was this age. Plus I didn't want to. The first time I left her for more than a few hours, or at bedtime, she was 20 months old. When she didn't take a bottle, I patted myself on the back for having such a smart baby who wouldn't compromise on what she needed. I was so conflicted about forcing the issue with the bottle that I stopped trying.
It didn't seem worth it to me to keep offering the bottle even though I didn't want to leave her. I tell moms at LLL who feel pressured to make their babies take bottles, it's perfectly okay not to give your baby a bottle, ever, if you don't want to. Eventually, when you have the desire to be out without the baby, you'll work things out.
When Miriam started to balk at the bottle a few weeks ago during my weekly tennis outing, there was no tender inner conflict. After 3 and a half years of 24 hour on call, I am ready for a break. Miriam is going to be a much more independant baby than Naomi was. I am not going to be tethered to bedtime this time. I might even leave her overnight with someone else on occasion before she turns four. Tonight, the fourth time I've left her in Josh and my dad's care at bedtime, she took the bottle without complaint, and fell asleep in bed.
Experience has taught me that there is room for moderation and experimentation. When Naomi was small I only saw slippery slopes all around me: my choices would lead to other choices which would lead me to compromise my parenting values. I thought if I chose to put her in a (gasp!) crib for the first part of the night, I would have to give up cosleeping. Or if I fed her food before nursing her I would hasten early weaning. Or if I switched to cloth I could never go back to disposables. I'm not sure why I was so rigid, I can only guess that the rules of the game were so murky, and the consequences of being wrong were so disastrous, being rigid in my choices was the only way I could cope.
Shit, Kateri. You just wrote the crucial insight of mothering in the most concise language possible. It's like a laser beam to the gut.
Do you mind if I link this from Ask Moxie?
Posted by: Moxie | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 09:44 AM
Yes, excellent post - and Moxie knows about these things. (that's why I still think we should write that book :)
It's pretty amazing how we get more flexible after we have the second child! It's pretty similar with us here (I didn't use a bottle for Linton, but I gave him a pacifier instead :)
Posted by: Lilian | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Thank you for posting this. I think you've pinpointed exactly what we all learn when our second child is born.
Posted by: Bethany | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 01:36 PM
Yes, exactly. I always feel very nervous about making a crucial error so I tend to be so rigid about everything. I'm slowly learning to be more relaxed, but it's been a rough ride for sure.
Posted by: MoMo | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 05:01 PM
I don't even have a second child yet and I can already see where I will be much less rigid with #2 (and from here on out with #1, I hope!). I was much like you and still have not left my 1-yo for more than 2 hours (and that was to teach a class - actually once it was 4 hours, but that was just once!). A recent post at Ask Moxie has made me start thinking about why I am so afraid to leave her for a little longer or with anyone other than her dad. I'm not sorry that I have done things the way I have, though. Funny how I can sort of plan to do things a little differently with #2 when I am also not too critical of how I have done things with #1 - I think things had to be a little more rigid because in some ways I was going against the grain, and there *are* slippery slopes. I needed the rigidity for myself, not for my baby, to feel confident in the way I have chosen to parent, to keep myself from being too easily swayed by suggestions from others that I was holding her too much, etc. So I was 'rigid' (that doesn't seem like the right word, though), and she has done fine, and blossomed, and I now realize she would still have done so even if I had relaxed a little bit! But I still do not think that I held her too much...she doesn't want to be held much anymore and I miss it!
Posted by: Elizabeth | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 05:08 PM
I was a nanny for years before Sarah came along, so I felt like I knew what I was doing vis a vis the actual caretaking stuff. The emotional and psychological stuff has thrown me for a loop though! I'm trying to grow into the parent I want to be and I just know that any future children will throw me for their own loops as well.
Posted by: Aria | Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 06:02 PM
Sent by Moxie - great post! Thanks for letting us have a look!
Posted by: Reese | Friday, June 02, 2006 at 09:05 AM
Sent here via Moxie. I am still struggling to relax with #1, who is likely an only child. So, I'm trying to learn the lessons of motherhood the second time around without actually having that experience. It's tough.
Posted by: Charlotte | Friday, June 02, 2006 at 11:28 AM
I came here from Ask Moxie too. As the mother of an only child, your post made a lot of sense to me. It's so unknown, what to expect or do, and the consequences are staggering. Thank you for posting that.
Posted by: Kate | Friday, June 02, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Oh myes. This is such a great post. I realized only the other day that I have never been able to enjoy my daughter because my adoration of her is always tinged with anxiety over all the things I may be doing wrong. Yet I await her little brother in a far more relaxed frame of mind. Thank you for showing me why.
Posted by: Menita | Friday, June 02, 2006 at 02:54 PM