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Thursday, July 14, 2005



Oh my god! Look at them all!

If I ever have another baby, I'm coming to you to ask about slings. And I know someone who was thinking of getting one, I might point her here too....


I have been looking for good information on slings, but I haven't been able to find a good middle ground between manufacturer self-praise and blogger tomes. This list is perfect. It's short and sweet and tells you what you need to know. You are such a wonderful resource for mothers and parents in general.


Wow! What a wealth of sling info! So incredibly helpful....

I was recently given an OTSBH and decided almost right away that it wasn't going to work. Too much padding and material to be convenient...very bulky imo. I picked up a WAHM "NN style" one on ebay and it seems to work well so far for my almost 18 month old in the hip carry...we'll see in August how it works with a newborn.

And thank you Andrea. ;)


Aaaahhh! Too many choices! I guess I really should look into it, though. We have one sling, and by the time Ivy was 4 months, it was totally useless because she was so freaking heavy and it killed my shoulder. Maybe I'll try a wrap next time.


Dude. *bows down* I have two carries, a ring sling and a FrankenKozy I sewed last year. At nearly 50 lbs, my kid is just too heavy to be carried much. I'm coming to you for advice if I should have the fortune to be wearin' a baby again.


38 slings. I am in awe.


Are you willing to sell one of your hotslings? You said you had 4. A pink and orange one? Just wondering if you are selling them! Thanks.


very informative!

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