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Thursday, June 30, 2005



Hmmm. Since i've never had a family bed, i don't know.. but I assume I'd go with the old "do nothing' stand by.


Do nothing! You never know how either kid is going to react to the new situation, so probably best to wait. We started out with a full size and it was very quickly too small for us. Now we have two full size beds pushed together and it's a dream, lots and lots of space, it's endless bed, wall-to-wall bed! Of course, it also takes up almost the whole room... Still, we love it.


Vote 3 for do nothing. But, on a side note, I live in a 137 year old house, and we got our king upstairs without trouble because the box springs are twins and the king mattress is pretty flexible. Just a thought.


If you want to do something, how about putting your matress/boxsprings and a twin matress/boxsprings on the floor and not use a frame?


I vote for do-nothing too.

I remember how bitter I was about the crib when Frances refused to sleep in it. She had such a nice room and all we ever did there was change her diapers....

Of course now she does sleep in her crib, and I'm mighty glad b/c the family bed thing was no longer working for us. But I think next time (if there is one) I'll be a bit more realistic in my expectations of the crib. And get a more comfortable bed so it's not such a PITA to share it.


Followed your link from getupgrrl
Instead of a king mattress, get 2 twins & one of those "connector" deals so you don't have a valley in the middle.

That's what I'd do, if I had a b.r. big enough for a king! (sigh...) Wish we could make co-sleeping really work for us. DH doesn't sleep well w/ the green bean, so she & I are in one bed, he's in the guest bed in another room, pretty much permanently. If we could have a king mattress it might help. Queen is definitely too small!

King size metal bed

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