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Tuesday, June 21, 2005



My cousin had a C-section with her son. Her son is two months younger than my daughter. The 'nurse' told her to pump once a day. She could not understand why she was not pumping enough. I wish she lived close by. She would call me daily from Florida but eventually gave in. She was surrounded by those who had no clue what to do in regards to breastfeeding and she got discouraged.

What annoyed the heck out of me. I KEPT receiving forumla after my daughter was born. I told the company (think it was Infamil) that we were nursing please do not send any formula thank you very much. They kept sending it. I belive they do that in hopes the nursing mom will give up. Sorry it did not work with us. My daughter is still nursing. ;-)


VeganMomma--I gave all of my formula to the nearest battered women's shelter.

Kateri--this post is so funny (and I wish it weren't true!)

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